Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I can Sell a truck or Write a song or Not!!

My First Blog Entry, Please read, this will be historic, yeah right.

It seems that my current job(I am a short timer, last day of work is Sept 30) is kind of slow sometimes and when I am not with a customer or writing up a sale I have plenty of time to write music. The problem comes when the free time arrives and the creative juices don't. No matter how hard I work at it, they don't mix. So everything suffers, my work, my music, so to kill more time while said juices are on permanent coffee break I have decided to start a Blog. You ask how is this going to help? I asked the same question, only smart ass answers so far and nothing constructive.
I prefer writing music to selling trucks and sometimes all I need is a tag line to get things started.
You Know Like:

There's a tear in my Beer

Help I need somebody

Happy Hour Refugee

You get my drift, any ideas?


yoo hoo said...

Maybe you should write a song about selling trucks, and the kinds goofballs you run into.
thanks for coming up yesterday, it really was fun, have some more fun in Nashville, maybe you'll get "noticed"

Anonymous said...

Or "My Daddy could...." trade a couple tons of scrap
and bring home junk on top of that.