Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Do You Want Some Popcorn?

We had just sat down to watch "Shrek The Third" when Jody says "Do you want some Popcorn"? Stopped the movie and the search was on for the microwave popcorn thingy. In the cupboard, under the bed, can't take long we live in a 5th wheel. Lo and behold under the sink JoJo dives and there it is, in a big puddle of water, OH Shit we are flooding. It seems sometime in the last few hours the kitchen faucet sprung a leak. Found an old coffee can to catch the water and got up every two hours to empty the bucket. So today I am changing out the old faucet. We did get our popcorn and finished the movie, it's pretty funny. And today Jody is my hero for wanting popcorn and preventing a flood, we already had one of those this year a second would have been very depressing. Off to the plumbing store, caio.


Richard's Rants and Raves said...

maybe it's the brand of popcorn, I don't think Orvil Reddenbacher would cause a leek. Dose a good job of stuffing you up but thats all.

Dirty Berg said...

Good JoJo, you always had a little psychic abillity. Hope its not bad a fix.


Gale said...

So I am assuming you still have your handy dandy carpet cleaner and aren't you glad you do?

yoo hoo said...

Nice catch JoJo...we tried to watch Shrek 3 last night, but fell asleep instead. And now that I think about it, I keep hearing a drip of somesort from the laundry room...shit!

Uncle Spud & Aunt JoJo said...

Luckily no carpet damage, just a small puddle. However the fix required a complete new kitchen faucet. Not quite the convoluted fix as changing out the car top.

yoo hoo said...

LOVE the new look to the Blog, much easier to read!