Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Got Bread?

Yep you can do it, bread from the sourdough pancake leftovers. Just add enough flour to stiffen things up a bit, knead it for about ten minutes, let it rise for an hour, knead again for a couple of minutes, let it rise again for an hour. Throw in it in the preheated oven at 350 for about 30 minutes and you got bread. You can also add a packet of yeast to help the rise, I didn't add any to mine and it came out fine. The crust was a little thick but not bad for a first attempt. Toast for our next XBreakfast.


Anonymous said...

That looks way better than what Mom tried once. She had leftovers and I think she made rolls, very VERY hard rolls. I guess they got eaten up, hungry kids and all that. I will stick to pancakes, although I bet the toast is wonderful tasting. R

Uncle Spud & Aunt JoJo said...

The crust on this was a little touch, I didn't it rise long enough the second time around.

Anonymous said...

The only times I've ever been successful with bread was the eating portion. You're looks yummy!