Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Social Media ??

Social Media poked it's nose into my space and booked my face
Time I've spent trying to tweet has wasted life I can't repeat.

Texture of my message grows smaller as I learn to pace
Because I only purchase enough time to type in 3 ltr wrds.

I get all blogged up and just don't digg it
Can't mixx my favorites with my book marks.

I'm just glad I've got my live delicious redd it bebo
What the hell is bebo anyway, another waste of memory.

I get no phone calls, I get no mail, by either E or crawling snail
What's become of us I cannot say, that's a tweet for another day.


Richard's Rants and Raves said...

Translation please? Us dummies in the kingdom of Letha don't quite get what is going on. Is this the words to a new song?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you could do a live rendition on Skype?

Anonymous said...

I don't face book, I read books, some are electronic to be sure.

Anonymous said...

Tree school, what is tree school?

Uncle Spud & Aunt JoJo said...

Tree school was a one seminar at Umpqua Community College. Teaching about tree diseases, insects, ways to make money with truffles and other groovy stuff. The boss paid for it.

Anonymous said...

so...find any truffles lately, have you trained that giantic dog of yours to find truffles. Bon Voyage! R